Dragi prijatelji,
ICI doo Beograd je stalo do Vaše privatnosti. Vaše lične podatke prikupljamo i obrađujemo isključivo u skladu sa zakonom, i zbog toga jer su nam neophodni za normalno vršenje naše poslovne aktivnosti, pritom primenjujući sve neophodne mere zaštite tih podataka.
Vi ste vlasnici Vaših podataka i samo Vi možete da odlučite s kim i na koji način ćete te podatke podeliti, a ICI doo Beograd je tu da Vam pruži sve informacije o svim bitnim aspektima obrade i da Vam olakša ostvarivanje Vaših Ustavom i zakonom garantovana prava.
Molimo Vas da se upoznate detaljno sa našim Opštim obaveštenjem o obradi podataka o ličnosti koje detaljno pojašnjava sve elemente obrade podataka o ličnosti i koje je dostupno putem sledećeg linka. Obaveštenje je dostupno i u našim poslovnim prostorijama na adresi Mačvanska 8, Zemun.
Sve dodatne informacije koje se tiču obrade podataka o ličnosti, uključujući i način na koji možete da dobijete informacije kako da zaštite svoja prava, možete dobiti obraćanjem putem e-mejl adrese: zastitapodataka@ici.co.rs, a ICI doo Beograd će na svaki Vaš upit odgovoriti blagovremeno.
Vaš ICI doo Beograd
ICI – Metalock Serbia and Montenegro respects your privacy
Dear friends,
ICI – Metalock Serbia and Montenegro care about your privacy. Your personal data is collected and processed exclusively in accordance with the law, and because they are necessary for the normal performance of our business activities, thereby applying all necessary measures to protect such data.
You are the owners of your data and only you can decide with who and how you will share this information. ICI – Metalock Serbia and Montenegro is here to give you all the information on all important aspects of processing and facilitate the achievement of our Constitution and the rights guaranteed by law.
Please familiarize yourself with our detailed General information on the processing of personal data that explains in detail all elements of the processing of personal data and which is available via the following link: http://www.ici.co.rs/index.php/en/contact. The General Information is also available in our offices at 8 MaÄŤvanska, Zemun.
Any additional information concerning the processing of personal data, including the way in which you can obtain information on how to protect your rights, you can get by turning the e-mail address: zastitapodataka@ici.co.rs and ICI – Metalock Serbia and Montenegro will respond to your request in a timely manner.
Your ICI – Metalock Serbia and Montenegro